HackHunterdon Radio Volume 2 Show 3B Virtual Meetup 3-26-2020

 In HackHunterdon Radio Volume 2

Volume 2 Show 3B Virtual Meetup

Due to the current Covid-19 quarantine, our normally scheduled HackHunterdon meetup on March 26th at the Lone Eagle Brewing Company was cancelled.  But thanks to a few of the members of the group, we decided to hold a virtual meetup instead.  Dennis was instrumental in setting up the Zoom conference call and for recording the call.  Brandon from Knack.com was gracious to offer to be the speaker.  He has run Knack as a virtual company from its inception, so he has a wealth of experience with the work from home experience.

Since the meetup lasted almost two hours, I decided to present this as a two-part podcast show.  Part A includes Brandon’s introduction and a round robin query of the group.  Each member was given an opportunity to tell us about their new or old work from home experience.  Part B is the main presentation Brandon gave with questions from the group interjected from time to time.

If you are new to working from home, this will be a valuable look into what issues you may find and how it can be done successfully.  Even if you have been working from home pre-pandemic, you may find some of Brandon’s experiences helpful to add to yours.

This is Part B of Volume 2 Show #3.  If you are listening to this part first, a brief intro – this was a virtual meetup that replaced our canceled in person meetup at Lone Eagle Brewing Co.  This part is where Brandon presents his experience running a totally virtual company from scratch for the past 6 years.  Whether you are now forced to work from home or have been a veteran of working from home, Brandon offers some great insight into this style of work.

So let’s rejoin the meetup in progress…