HackHunterdon Radio Volume 2 Show 2 Debbie Peru

 In HackHunterdon Radio Volume 2

Welcome to the new version of the HackHunterdon Radio Show.  I am your host Jim Minadeo and I am the President of Zero Surge- a manufacturer of power quality filters that are used for surge protecting sensitive electronics.  With Zero Surge, you have peace of mind that your electronics are kept safe.

Volume 2 Show 2 Guest is Debbie Peru

Debbie Peru, formed her own company DP Spectroscopy & Training.  She is a Consultant with extensive industrial experience in applied spectroscopy (Near Infrared, Mid infrared, Raman, UV/Vis).  She manages projects involving analysis of big data sets, new methods development,  and is a certified faciliator for classroom & virtual training courses.

As companies reorganize and focus on cost savings and margin improvement, they often find themselves needing project managers with technical skills and field experience in spectroscopy, chemometrics, process analytical technology (PAT), and facilitation experience in the class room training environment. Her  company offers consultation and training assistance for large and small organizations needing technical and training assistance.

You can connect with her on LinkedIn at https://www.linkedin.com/in/debbieperu/